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Playland at 43rd Avenue Jane Warner Plaza Pause on Market Parklets Studio 1 La Playa Pedestrian Improvement ProjectArchives:
June 25, 10:00am – 11:00am Location: NEMA Join Supervisor Jane Kim, artists-in-residence and City leaders to celebrate Studio 1: the... Click to read more+
Tags: Studio 1
From John King at SFGate
Say what you like about Parklets — and there are detractors as well as devotees — they are now an... Click to read more+
Tags: Reveille Coffee Parklet
From Autodesk
“Peepshow” is a curated art installation that focuses the gaze and thoughts of a passerby onto the obscure scenes of... Click to read more+
Tags: peepSHOW
From Paul Caridad at Visual News
Using a new rapid prototyping process, artist duo Robb Godshaw and Max Hawkins have found a way to 3D print... Click to read more+
Tags: Strange Lenses
Ciencia Pública was a three-year project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support informal education in science, technology, engineering,... Click to read more+
On March 19th, members from the Sunset community gathered to discuss the Francis Scott Key Annex Childcare Site located on 42nd... Click to read more+
Tags: Playland at 43rd Avenue
From Cristiano Valli at MissionLocal
The project – Ciencia Pública: Agua, Spanish for Public Science: Water – is a “temporary public space which holds exhibits... Click to read more+
From Adam Esposito at Exploratorium
There’s a new parklet in San Francisco’s Mission District – but it probably doesn’t look like what you’d imagine. Co-developed... Click to read more+
From Alexander Mullaney
Ingleside neighborhood groups are creating public open space on a commercial corridor with little available to them in a novel... Click to read more+
Fall 2009 - Spring 2015:Phase I of San Jose Guerrero Plaza converted excess pavement space in the San Jose Avenue... Click to read more+
Tags: San Jose Guerrero Plaza
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