Youth Art Exchange shares Living Innovation Zone (LIZ) prototype with public.
San Francisco public high school students working on the Asian Art Museum and Main Public Library’s LIZ coming to Fulton Street Summer 2016 brought an example of the design to the Asian Art Museum for the public to view, play with and share feedback in December. Kids of all ages – and grown-ups too – got to test out the ‘slide’ concept that may be a part of the final LIZ design. This prototype represents a sliver of the design in the works. The installation is shaping up to be a 18′ tall dragon with three main sections: a head with ‘fire’ that can be activated via a lever (‘fire’ meaning colored flags), a ‘tummy’ gallery space where local artists will be able to feature work and host performances and a ‘tail’ with a slope for sitting (the AstroTurf area, which will likely will be a different material) and a slide-like element on the opposite side. Design schematics and more information about the materials coming soon! Next up on the community outreach front: the students, along with the Exploratorium who is designing a second LIZ for United Nations Plaza, will be holding a Community Design Workshop for those who live and work in the area to get involved in the process and help make some design decisions on Thursday, February 18 at the Main Public Library. Also, keep an eye out for posters and hand-outs about this LIZ and the UN Plaza LIZ in the area.
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