Public Life Geodatabase
Published: August 2016
by Rachelle Sarmiento
Excerpt from the introduction —
Public Life Studies provide assessments of pedestrian life and the quality of public spaces. These studies are conducted to collect data regarding pedestrian activity and to capture pedestrian satisfaction with streets and plazas. In San Francisco, Public Life Studies began in 2007 at key commercial districts. More recent studies examine pedestrian life in public spaces and at temporary Pavement to Parks installations.
Since the advent of Public Life Studies at SF Planning, however, data collection tools have evolved. The variations make it difficult for readers to cross-compare spatial data from different points in time and with other spatial datasets. The goal of the Public Life Geodatabase is to normalize and aggregate in a single resource the rich sets of data gathered from Public Life Studies. This geodatabase will provide staff, researchers, and the public a comprehensive collection of geographic datasets for assessing public spaces in the city.
The Report
“San Francisco Public Life Geodatabase: A Guidebook” (Rachelle Sarmiento, September 2016)
The Presentation
“San Francisco Public Life Geodatabase: Presentation”
Delivered at the San Francisco Planning Department on August 25, 2016, 12:00 – 1:00pm.
Presenter: Rachelle Sarmiento
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