Curbside Project
Swissnex ‘Event Machine’ Parklet
730 Montgomery St
Opening Date
June 2015
Gehl Architects with ETH Zurich Urban Think Tank and students from UC Berkeley
A parklet dedicated to content and conversation.
Dubbed “the event machine,” the parklet at 730 Montgomery Street was a modular stage that could readily host public talks, panel discussions, workshops, screenings, and more. When it wasn't activated for events, the parklet offers passers-by an offbeat place to stop, sit, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the Jackson Square Historic District.
The parklet was one of few in the city dedicated to content and conversation, not café seating. The parklet was the focus of an Urban Design Seminar class at UC Berkeley tasked with defining how best to use and program public space.
ADA & Accessibility
The City and County of San Francisco recognizes its obligation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Language Access Ordinance to provide equal access to all its residents.
Free Language Assistance
免 費語言協助 / Ayuda gratuita con el idioma / Бесплатная помощь переводчиков / Trợ giúp Thông dịch Miễn phí / Assistance linguistique gratuite / 無料の言語支援 / 무료 언어 지 원 / Libreng tulong para sa wikang Tagalog / คว"ม ช่วยเหลือท"งภ"ษ"โดยไม่ เส'ยค่าใช้จ่าย
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