Street Project
Frank Norris Alley
1 Frank Norris St.
See Map
In Development
Date Installed
Spring 2017
SF Planning
Redding students
Redding Elementary
Lower Polk CBD
SF Parks Alliance
The City of San Francisco
Lower Polk Neighbors
A more vibrant and safe alley for Redding Elementary School
The Frank Norris Alley project aims to make the street a safer, vibrant, and pleasurable place to be during all hours of the day. The project will occur in two phases before and after the temporary closure and renovation of Redding Elementary during the 2017-2018 school year. In Spring 2017, Redding Elementary students participated in two street closure events in the alley: they played games in the street and participated in the installation of a mural illustrating the future of the alley.
The alley’s low traffic volumes make it a prime candidate for partial street closure to accommodate children's play, crosswalk safety improvements, and murals. The alley might serve as play space for Redding Elementary children during school hours and it might host neighborhood events such as Play Streets and local fairs. These designs and programs will be tested near-term, and made more permanent if appropriate.
Frank Norris Alley is part of a robust network of alleyways that comprise the Lower Polk Alleyways District. The alley truly serves as Redding's backyard: it serves as a key pick-up and drop-off area for Redding Elementary School students, who use it to also cross from one play yard to another.
Frank Norris Alley is a part of a larger Lower Polk Alleyways District Vision Plan by the Lower Polk Neighbors. The plan is a comprehensive vision and strategy plan for the Lower Polk Alleyways District.
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