Sidewalk Project
2015 Market Street Prototyping Festival
Market St., between 9th St. and Embarcadero
Date Installed
April 2015
Various Artists
YBCA, DPW, Autodesk, CCA, Exploratorium, Arts Commission, Gehl Studios
Knight Foundation
Experimenting with the sidewalk using interactive art.
The 2015 Market Street Prototyping Festival (MSPF) showcased 50 installations built by designers, community groups, and students. MSPF aimed to use community-led design to make the Market Street a more vibrant and engaging destination. Through collaboration and rapid experimentation, the Prototypes in this Festival aimed to catalyze conversations around a variety of large-scale urban challenges. Another Prototyping Festival was held in 2016.
San Francisco’s Better Market Street project has gathered extensive community feedback over the past few years with a clear response that the public wants a more vibrant and positive experience on Market Street’s sidewalks. We believe that there is an ongoing need for this sort of experimentation and prototyping. Initiatives like MSPF allow all those who are passionate about our city to engage in the civic process and to provide hands-on contributions to solving San Francisco’s biggest challenges.
ADA & Accessibility
The City and County of San Francisco recognizes its obligation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Language Access Ordinance to provide equal access to all its residents.
Free Language Assistance
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