Artist-in-Residence Sheldon Smith
June 22-26 at NEMA. Smith will be working on a site-responsive project that will be constructed gradually over the course of the week. His installation-based work and live performances use dance and technology to speak to common human experience. There will be scheduled showings and opportunities for passersby to engage in the process that will culminate in a final project: a video or a performance, or a combination of both.
ADA & Accessibility
The City and County of San Francisco recognizes its obligation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Language Access Ordinance to provide equal access to all its residents.
Free Language Assistance
免 費語言協助 / Ayuda gratuita con el idioma / Бесплатная помощь переводчиков / Trợ giúp Thông dịch Miễn phí / Assistance linguistique gratuite / 無料の言語支援 / 무료 언어 지 원 / Libreng tulong para sa wikang Tagalog / คว"ม ช่วยเหลือท"งภ"ษ"โดยไม่ เส'ยค่าใช้จ่าย
Dial 3-1-1 (within SF only) or (415) 701-2311